Manage your time like a PRO with the DIKSHA portal
Discover 3 ways you can leverage the new DIKSHA portal that’s true to its new avatar, bringing joy to teachers and students alike!
Last month, the Diksha portal released a new avatar aptly named the “joyful theme”, which has significantly improved the user experience. As teachers, we know you struggle to find curriculum-based resources, activities and with schools shut down access to your textbooks and guides. We’ve curated 3 really helpful ways teachers can leverage the Diksha portal to solve for the biggest challenge - time management.
The Diksha portal looks completely different, so returning teachers may need to re-familiarize themselves with navigation (click here to watch our Live Class on Diksha), or just look to the bottom right corner and “Ask Tara” you can find direct links to pages, resources, courses you are searching for from your friendly bot.
Peer Groups: You can now create a peer group of your school teachers, BEd classmates and more. This feature encourages teachers to rely on a community of support. Take courses together and share reflections.
Classrooms: You can use the Groups feature to create your online Classroom, add courses, assign them to students as homework, track their progress and provide them with feedback.
School Learning Circles: You can use this feature to manage school teams and learning circles to ensure the professional development needs of teachers are tracked and prioritised.
A look inside the group feature
Check course progress of group members
The library feature has been upgraded to help you search by type - digital textbooks, worksheets, lesson plans, activities, interactives and more! Diksha has a separate section to easily search for digital textbooks, they have also started printing QR code in textbooks from the academic year 2019. These QR codes are placed in textbooks chapter wise and will soon be introduced for difficult topics as well.
The platform only has CBSE and state board related resources at the moment but we'll soon be updated with the ICSE board as well.
We want to hear from you
If you’ve used the Diksha platform, please post your reviews, feedback, experience and ideas around this tool in the comments sections below!