Appropriate for : K - 12; However, for lower grades we recommend teachers make videos or provide clear direction
Subjects : All, especially beneficial for social sciences, check for understanding of concepts and encourages creativity
Type: Text/Video/Audio
Languages: All
Student Sign In: No
An easy to use video creation tool that can be used for explaining concepts and retain student attention.
Works With
Create a script and begin using blocks to create your first 3D video
Choose characters, sets, music, and props available for free to create scenes
Bring social sciences to life by using this as a story telling app
For higher grades, engage students to make movies to display their learning. Download videos on disk memory
Create videos in any language
2 character limit in a scene
Free Version Has limited characters, clothing bundles and sceneries. Click here to learn more about pricing.
Rendering videos can take time
Best For
Student Engagement
Project Work
Sneak Peek into the Plotagon Platform.
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Watch our Expert Facilitator Deepti Chopra take you through this wonderful platform.